See Which are the Best Pet Spiders
Spiders are often kept as pets by small children or those who can’t have larger pets. As long as you know that it is not a venomous spider, it is relatively easy and simple to care for this type of pet.
Here are some spiders that make good pets. And here is a link for some really cool and cute spider pet names, your pet spider needs a n cool name afterall.
The Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are very common and their bite is harmless (no more than a bump). They are not very large and only live up to five years, so you aren’t committed to them for life. They are easily fed, liking most insects that are easy to find, such as moths and ants. If you ever can’t care for your wolf spider anymore, they are easily released back into the wild.
The Chilean Rose Tarantula
This is a very popular pet spider. They are hardly venomous at all, and do not cause fatal or even noticeable marks or injuries. They eat small insects such as crickets and are very hairy. They are relatively inexpensive and have a good life span of 10–20 years. They are fun to watch as they crawl up your arm and in their cage as well.
The Texas Brown Tarantula
The Texas Brown tarantula is understandably found in Texas and other parts of the Southwest. It is brown and can eat things such as cockroaches and beetles. They won’t be very aggressive if approached and are easy to handle and pick up. They have a good life span of 10–15 years.
The Grass Spider
Grass spiders are light brown in color and make their nests atop grass. They are harmless for humans, but apparently fascinating to watch when catching prey. They are quick and weave large webs. They are easily found in the outdoors and easy to capture as well. Make sure that you get a large enough container for their larger webs.
There are other types of popular spiders, especially tarantulas. Make sure to talk to a spider specialist if you want to know what type of spider would be right for you.