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Inventing Something Great

Some people can only picture things in their mind that they have seen. Others with a little more creative mind can picture something in their mind if it is described to them. The most fortunate are those that can picture a complete machine or system that doesn’t exist.

From my experience, I believe that education does not necessarily give you this gift. I have worked with engineers with degrees from very good schools that could not design a machine unless it was sketched or described to them in detail. They could make improvements on an existing design, like making the next years automobile better than last years, but never come up with original idea.

If you have this gift, please don’t let it go to waste. The only reason that we don’t still live in caves and get our food with our bare hands is due to people with creative minds. Our standard of living improves continuously because of the constant flow of new products and processes. Throughout history there have been creative people like Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison who have greatly improved our standard of living with their amazing creative minds as you can see from

You dream of coming up with a good idea and making millions. It happens, but not over night, and not without a lot of work. Maybe you already have a great idea and don’t know where to go with it. Well, there are patenting agencies like Invent Help that could guide you.

A dictionary says that an invention is a product of the imagination. That’s often true, but more often it is a result of observation of a need and working out a way to fill that need. Other times it is the result of unexpected outcome of an experiment. Every day there are probably thousands of people who think they have come up with a world-shattering idea. Very few will ever do anything with it.

Some will try to develop the idea but are soon discouraged or just don’t know where to start with developing the idea. Some will put a lot of energy and possibly money into the effort, just to become discouraged by a few negative results from their efforts.

How to Build Your Brand Identity

Think of some of the most recognizable brands in the world – Coca Cola, Google, Wal-Mart…

How did they get there?

It’s tough and it takes a ton of work, but eventually it all boils down to a few tactics.

What are some of those? Here’s a few:

Your ability to deliver on your promise – At its core, this is what branding is all about. The better you can deliver on your promise, and even exceed what you promise in general, the stronger the identity of your brand in your market’s mind.

Google, for example, promises to deliver more relevant search results than any other search engine. It does that consistently, which helps it remain the leading search engine today. “Under-promise and over-deliver” goes the cliché. Whatever your business’s promise is, make sure you can exceed it when it comes time to deliver the finished product.

Establish core values and stick to them – How many times have you heard business talk about their “excellent customer service” and then refuse to do the slightest thing once you actually call them? If you establish a core value of “superior customer service,” develop concrete mechanisms and business procedures to ensure your customer service really does exceed that of the competition.

Whatever your core values are, make sure you practice them daily. One way or another, they shine through to your customers, who take notice when you do what you say you will do.

Identify a clear audience and maintain consistent messaging – Make sure you know who you’re talking to. If you don’t have a customer persona in place, research the heck out of your market until you identify one. You should know everything there is to know about your customer – what they like and don’t like, what they read, what their income is, whether they have children, and where they hang out after work.

Then develop a message for them that solves a major problem. However you reach them – online, through social media, on television, or on the radio, make sure you repeat the same message consistently. Then, as they experience the problem over and over, they’ll remember you are the best solution for that problem.

Here’s to You Becoming the Next Google

It’s tough to become the leading brand in any niche, but simply by committing to becoming a brand and establishing a presence, you put yourself ahead of other small businesses not doing the same. If you don’t become the next Google, you will at least remain ahead of the others while they keep spinning their wheels going nowhere.

Marine Equipment

Marine Equipment’s is the lifeblood of any company that makes its’ living from water-related activity. When it is necessary to make repairs or upgrade to a better model, time is of the essence. Having to keep a crew idle means the loss of income. There is no need to contemplate this scenario when the professionals at Giantech Engineering are on the case. They are able to provide the proper parts and supplies for almost any type of vessel. In addition, the fast turnaround time means that waiting is now a thing of the past.

The expertly trained staff knows that timing is everything. They are able to provide quote information in days, not weeks, with many orders filled and shipped in this short time span. The impressive inventory list boasts a full range of the most essential items necessary to keep that vessel up and running. This includes Marine Anchor Chains, Deck fittings, Anchors and Rigging hardware among other things. If by chance the part is not in stock, the knowledgeable staff will find it – typically in less than a couple of days at most. With this kind of service level and parts expertise, it is easy to see why is the leading supplier of equipment for Marine vessels in the world.

Why to Apply For A Patent?

Nobody would apply for a patent without a pretty good idea for a new invention, but a friend of mine (”Joan”) ran into a problem.

It was a rather personal problem. Joan remembers having an epiphany one sunny day a few years ago. Like a bolt from the blue, a new idea struck and she knew instantly it was gold.

She also knew enough not to talk about it until she tackled the process of patenting her invention. So she told nobody about her idea. Instead, Joan educated herself on how to apply for a patent and ordered the initial set of worksheets she needed to get started.

Week after week she waited for the paperwork to arrive. By the time she actually received her packet in the mail, she realized to her horror she had completely forgotten the idea!

At first blush, this might seem unlikely. But it is a real liability for anyone who leads a busy, creative lifestyle as explained on

Joan is considering hypnotism to attempt recovery of her lost idea. If it was important enough to initiate the patent process, maybe the extra effort should be made.

When you depend on a continuous flow of ideas, as many of us do, you can commiserate instantly with Joan’s situation. An idea can be lost overnight. That’s why the consistent use of capture techniques is critical. You’ll hear me mention them repeatedly, because the more ideas you generate, the more important it is to get them recorded in some way, shape or form, for later use as described in article as well.

Joan was caught by surprise when she was finally ready to apply for a patent.

It’s amazing how easily a great idea can be lost, no matter how “dependable” your memory. Thoughts are a lot like water. If you try to collect too many thoughts in the bucket, some will spill over the side and be lost.

Benefits and Components of an Invention Ideas License

An invention ideas license is an agreement or contract that an inventor engages in to permit another individual or or company to exclusively use, market and/or sell their invention. While it mainly serves as a form of permission for the licensee, it also sets boundaries in their use of the product. An invention ideas license also stresses the intellectual property rights of the inventor. For this reason, licensees must be careful not to infringe on these exclusive rights.

Benefits of an invention ideas license

Both the licensee and licensor benefit from an invention ideas license as stated in article. The following are some of these benefits:

  • Since a licensee gets exclusive rights to use, market and/or sell an inventor’s product, they get to monopolize the market. This is especially true if no product in the market is similar to the inventor’s creation.
  • A licensor or inventor earns by granting an invention ideas license to a licensee. In fact, if their invention creates a major breakthrough in the market, several companies may clamor for the right to get the invention ideas license. This creates bigger profits for the inventor.

Components of an invention ideas license

An invention ideas license includes several components or parts. The following are some of these components:


Term refers to the duration of the effectiveness of an invention ideas license. This is important especially when considering changes or conditions in the market. More on, it serves a significant role in case the value of the invention ideas license increase as explained on


Territory pertain to the area or place in which the invention ideas license is valid. For instance, if the invention ideas license states that it is only valid in Australia, then a licensee must not promote, market or sell the product in countries or areas outside this continent. Should they do so, the licensor of the product can file a case against them for violating the agreement or contract.

Types of an Invention Ideas Patent

Invention ideas are the very root of everything you see around you. From the computer you’re staring at, to the chair you’re sitting on, you benefit from the birth of past inventions every single day, whatever activity you engage in. The amazing thing about some of the world’s great inventions is that their conceptualizers were teenagers and children.

An invention ideas patent is a contract or agreement that entitles you to some exclusive rights upon sharing your invention or invention idea to the public. It serves as a protection of your rights as an inventor to avoid anyone from imitating your invention or invention idea. Exclusive rights provided by an invention ideas patent include marketing, using, making, importing and selling your invention as stated on In most cases, the effectiveness of an invention ideas patent lasts for 20 years.

There are two main types of invention ideas patent. One type is called the utility patent. A utility patent is a type of patent you need to protect your invention or invention idea of a new object such as a machine, a composition of matter or an article of manufacture. It may also pertain to an innovation or improvement of any of these. A utility patent may also be used to protect your invention or idea of a useful process.

The other type of an invention ideas patent is a design patent. This type serves as a protection of a novel design you have produced for objects. These objects are often articles of manufacture. Some of their examples are improved designs of pants, watches or action figures.

If you are looking for someone with an unusually strong technical and business background to explain, refine, and protect your ideas, visit InventHelp. Learn more at

Becoming an Underwater Welder

If you’re looking into becoming an Underwater Welder, chances are you’ve asked yourself , “What’s the average Underwater Welder salary?”

This is a tricky question, as many things factor into how much an Underwater Welder gets paid.

Salaries for welder-divers cover a wide range, as the majority of them are paid on a project-by-project basis and salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. There’s no hourly rate for the divers – you simply get paid for the project once it’s completed.

As an underwater welder, you’re pretty much your own boss – in the sense that you don’t have a boss deciding how much you should make. Your contractors are your clients, and you can many times negotiate the price of contract based on some factors.

Hiring the Right Professional for Your Needs

There are many firms that advertise themselves as offering intellectual property services and people who advertise themselves as patent litigation attorneys. But what does that really mean? What services are these firms actually authorized to offer? Depending on a person’s credentials, the intellectual property services he or she is authorized to offer may be limited.

Be sure that you understand the legal services that your legal professional is authorized to provide.

What Do You Get When You Hire a Patent Attorney?

In the field of intellectual property, there are generally three types of professionals: U.S. registered patent attorneys, patent agents and intellectual property attorneys as stated on

U.S. Registered Patent Attorneys

The U.S. Registered Patent Attorneys have earned this distinction by passing The Bar Exam as well as a federal bar exam administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). U.S. registered patent attorneys are able to prepare, file patent applications as well as provide all of the other legal services necessary to protect your intellectual property rights, including obtaining trademarks and/or copyrights, negotiating licenses, litigating infringement matters or anything else attorneys are able to do.

Patent Agents

Patent agents are not attorneys. They are individuals who have been authorized by the USPTO to prepare, file and prosecute patent applications. They are not authorized to provide any legal services, such as obtaining trademarks and/or copyrights, negotiating licenses, litigating infringement matters or anything else attorneys are able to do as you can read on

Intellectual Property Attorneys

Unless your intellectual property attorney is registered by the USPTO, he or she is not allowed to have any role in the preparation, filing or prosecution of your patent application. Intellectual property attorneys can, however, provide legal services in other areas of intellectual property, including obtaining trademarks and/or copyrights, negotiating licenses, litigating infringement matters or anything else attorneys are able to do.

The patent licensing procedure

The subject matter of a patent may be a technical solution of a structure, equipment, such as all or part of a product, a composition, a composition of materials, and a process, such as all or part of a technological process, or its application.

When creating new technical solutions within the scope of a patent, before any publication (publication in a professional journal, presentation at an exhibition, etc.) or before the product is placed on the market, creators, inventors, investors must decide whether to leave the solution in the public domain (everyone else use the solution) or want to secure their rights, ie. they want to use the solution exclusively (manufacture, sale, licensing, sale of the invention and / or patent) as seen on

In the latter case, the patenting procedure must be initiated before the date of any publication or publication, ie the patent application must be filed with the competent Office. Any right so invoked or invoked at a later date may be invoked with reference to the priority thus established. Attention: Your own publication or marketing before the announcement is also novelty!

The first step in obtaining a patent is to file a patent application, the filing of which has a priority right. The examination of the application takes place during the patent licensing procedure, which consists of a formal examination of the application and a substantive examination of the subject matter of the application.

The patent application and the search for novelty will be published 18 months after the filing, after which the substantive examination must be requested. The procedure ends if the subject of the application meets the requirements for patentability as explained in article. Publication shall give rise to temporary protection with retroactive effect to the date of notification, which shall become final upon grant.

You Can’t Always Get a Patent

A patent gives you exclusive rights to use the invention commercially, in sales and manufacturing for instance. The exclusive rights remain in force for twenty years. Anyone who uses the invention without permission is infringing upon the patent and can be sued in court by the patentee.

To be granted a patent, your invention must meet certain requirements, i.e., be patentable.

To be patentable, an invention must:

  • Be capable of industrial application
  • Be new
  • Involve an inventive step

Capable of industrial application

To be capable of industrial application, the invention must be of a technical nature, have technical effect and be reproducible. “Of a technical nature” means that the invention must be something tangible, such as an object or a method of manufacturing something. It cannot be purely a discovery or theory. Artistic creations or medical treatments cannot be patented either as explained on

To be considered as having technical effect, the invention must work technically and solve a problem in a technical way. The effect itself does not have to be new or better than existing solutions.

That the invention must be “reproducible” means that you must get the same technical result every time you use the invention.


That the invention must be new means that it cannot be known before you file your patent application. It does not matter how or where in the world it has become known. Note that the invention is considered to have been previously disclosed even if you are the one who has used or published it.


The invention must be novel and involve an inventive step, meaning that it must differ significantly from what is already known. The same invention should not be obvious to a person skilled in the art. This means that you cannot always get a patent by combining known methods or objects in a new way. Get the latest news about patenting from