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Discover what can be patented and what that means for you

Patent protection has been extended to cover many products. From the light bulb to the jet engine, patented products are everywhere. Pharmaceutical drugs, computer software, processes for purifying DNA and even ecommerce methods have all been granted patent protection.

But for all the products that are patentable, there are probably an equal number of unpatentable ones. Literary works, movies, songs and music are not eligible for patent protection. These types of products may be protected by a copyright. For more information on copyrights, you may see the Library of Congress.

You cannot gain patent protection for your logo or your product’s name. Instead, you may file for a trademark. To apply for a trademark, you need to visit the Patent and Trademark Office website and learn about trademarks. You can get professional help for your invention, there a lot of agencies out there.

To get back on track, patent protection may be granted to:

  • objects with a utility
  • designs
  • plants

Most patented objects fit under the utility category. These are usually the most profitable. If your invention has any use whatsoever, you should file for a utility patent to gain the most protection. Design patents only cover the way an object looks and plant patents, as you can guess, are only granted for new breeds of plants.

Now that you know a little about what types of products may be eligible for patent protection (oh yes, this is just a small sample of what you need to know about patentability), let’s address exactly what patent protection offers you.

If you are granted patent protection on your product, you may exclude others from making or using it. That’s right, you will be in complete control of your invention’s productivity and its sales. Therefore, you make any profits generated from it. Patent protection provides you with a monopoly on your invention. For utility patents, that monopoly lasts 20 years (which may add up to quite a sum of money if your invention is popular).

But wait a minute, what happens after the 20 years term is over? Well, once your patent term expires, anyone may make and sell your invention, and they won’t have to share a dime of the profits with you. It may not seem fair since the invention was all your idea, but, all good things must come to an end. Patent protection doesn’t last forever. You can learn more from article.

Commonsense Home Pest Control: Getting Rid of Pests Without Harming Ourselves and Our Environment

If you’re like most people, you probably consider pest control a never-ending battle between you and the pests. Perhaps in your desire to achieve a perfect lawn or garden, you use pesticides often without thinking of the long-term consequences of your choices. Home pest control is very polluting because pesticides are toxic chemicals.

Pesticides have been linked to tap water contamination, cancer, and other serious issues. The effects of pesticides on our health and the environment are very damaging and we need to consider them deeply before using chemical pesticides so freely. Our goal should first to be to reduce our use of pesticides as much as possible.

How to Reduce Our Reliance on Pesticides

Common sense home pest control aims not at eradicating the use of pesticides completely but only using them when absolutely necessary. Alternatives to pesticides are used and chemical pesticides are used only as a last resort. Regular monitoring is done in order to determine when home remedy pest control is necessary. Pest management methods utilize physical, mechanical, cultural, biological, and educational techniques.

Unlike with traditional home pest control methods, common sense pest control doesn’t call for the use of pesticides on a scheduled basis. Pest control treatments are only used if after monitoring, it is determined that the economic, medical, or aesthetic damage the pests will cause is too severe to ignore. If the situation is serious then it is time to call a professional pest control company, such as Radar Pest Control.

The timing of these treatments has to be right in order to not disrupt the natural pest control methods in use. Furthermore, the goal is for them to be applied at time that they will be most destructive to the pests.

Why Pest Eradication is Not the Answer

Insects in the soil help to decompose organic nutrients to return nutrients to the soil. These “pests” also serve as a food source for many birds, fish, animals, and plants.

In conclusion, rather than resorting to a zero tolerance policy when it comes to home pest control, take a minimalistic approach in order to preserve your health and the environment. Pesticides are toxic chemicals that need to be used with caution and in moderation. Pests play an important role in our eco-system so it is wise to choose carefully what kinds of pest control methods you use and when.

How to make your website a SUCCESS

Your web site has several important “jobs” to do in order to be successful. Keep these in the front of your mind when you think about what you want the final cut to be. Note to self – there is never a FINAL CUT – good websites are always improving and moving.

Job 1 – to draw in business from the web. These are people who do NOT know you – people who search Google or Yahoo or the multitude of other search engines out there and find your site in the mix with all of your competitors. They will be drawn in by your description in the search listing and once they get there they will read your “Intro Mission Statement” quickly and move on to what they are really looking for. If you are a Realtor – Homes. These people are mostly buyers so you will need to cater to them. If you sell SHOES, they want Name Brands, If you sell Services – get me there quickly! They don’t know you from Adam and will need a reason to stay on your site and to trust you AND TO COME BACK. Give it to them. Make your site easy to navigate, make the main points they want stand out and make it easy to remember. You have 8 seconds to do all of the above before they click the back button. Don’t underestimate this. Businesses who have a successful lead generating website make six figures from this income alone. Your website can work around the clock for you. And it’s a lot easier to generate leads this way than to cold call.

Job 2 – Resources for current clients. You will want to tell all of your current clients about your website and keep them coming back. Referrals are a HUGE part of your success in Business. So is repeat business. You want your site to be beneficial to those clients that you already know. You want them to come back to it. You want to send out newsletters each month redirecting these people back to your website for the latest and greatest news. You want those people that you already have in your rolodex to give out your website to their friends and family. You want them to remember it when it is time to buy again!

Job 3 – Pertains to Realtors – Listings are the name of the game – Impress your sellers in a listing appointment. You should have some type of listing presentation set up, and your website should be a major part of it. As a consumer who sold her home less than a year ago – when choosing my realtor it was very important to me that he/she had a turn key website that was listed everywhere and that advertised my home nicely. I wanted to know that she was going to make it easy for people to see my home. I wanted to know that it was displayed beautifully on her site with lots of pictures for people to see and lots of details and people could find it within a few clicks of the home page. If he/she didn’t have that, I wasn’t going to list with them. Sellers know that the internet is where 80% of consumers go to look for a home. By showing them a great site that features their home on it, you are giving them a reason to list with you. And using Easy Agent Pro to build your website will do just that as you can read from this 2021 Easy Agent Pro review. You may want to have a “Featured Home” on your front page that changes every week, month, etc so that you can use this as a Listing Point. “Mr. Seller, I am going to feature your home on the front page of my site! I get X amount of consumers to my site on a weekly basis and the first thing each and every one of them will see is a picture of your home!” You are giving them a reason to sign on the dotted line.

Many businesses just throw up a website without much thought and expect it to generate revenue out of thin air. You have to put some thought into what specific “Jobs” your site needs to fullfil for your customers and then build your site around those things. Otherwise – its just wasted space.

Why STD Infections Are Increasing

The infections spreads through unprotected sex with another individual that is infected with the STI. The condition is caused by a bacterial infection. To treat chlamydia in both men and women is usually undertaken with a course of antibiotics that are prescribed by a doctor or qualified nurse. This is best way to treat this infection and it should clear up within a month and half.

The most people who are at risk of being infected with this sexually transmitted infection are young people who are aged between 16 and 25. As young people are the most sexually active and are more willing to engage in unprotected sex the rate of infection is higher compared to other groups.

Why Infections Are Increasing

Chlamydia has been increasing steadily in number over the last decade. It is estimated that in the USA, there are at least 2 million newly infected people every year. There are a number of reasons why more people are becoming infected. One reason can be contributed to the improvements of STI testing methods and procedures. There also seems to be a trend of more people engaging in unprotected sex which is the reason of how this infection spreads.

The Consequences

If left untreated this sexually transmitted infection can can lead to infertility in both the male and female. For this reason it is very important to go for a test to determine if you are infected with this bacteria as explained on Mylabbox. However, it is estimated that up to 50% of people who become infected with this sexually transmitted infection do not show any sign or symptoms. Therefore, it can be very difficult to detect especially in the early stages.

Warning Signals

If symptoms of the sexually transmitted infection do occur you should contact your doctor or nurse immediately. The symptoms that are most common in men are a white fluid that discharges from the penile region. Men can also experience a sore or burning sensation when they urinate. A discharge from the cervix or vaginal region is the most common sign of an infection in women. In certain cases females can develop a condition called PID which can cause irreparable damage to their uterus.

Acquire A Patent Protection For Your Idea Now

Whether big or small, the sheer thought that you had a brilliant idea, which you think has not been thought before, makes you excited enough to brag about it to your friends and colleagues. And given today’s fast pace of information flow, it would have reached another place on earth before you even knew what was happening. All your dreams of making it really big vanish within a matter of hours or even minutes. What started as a ‘big bang’ idea ends in a whimper.

To make sure that your idea remains within the closed confines of your brain and your own documents, go for a patent protect. This will not only prevent your ideas being plagiarized by unscrupulous and greedy guys but will keep your idea or invention in safe custody, till you are ready to market it.

Acquiring a patent protection for your invention makes the idea or invention legally yours. There are many companies, such as InventHelp who can help you file a patent for your idea.

Since the entire process of obtaining a patent is not only expensive but also time-consuming, laborious and complicated, it could be a cost-effective decision to seek the help of a patent attorney. Known also as patent agencies like Invent Help or patent lawyers, these are competent, skilled, experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can offer valuable guidance to protect your intellectual property. You can read more about Invent Help from InventHelp reviews. They act as your legal representative in case someone steals your idea or plagiarizes it.

One of the best ways to protect your invention or idea is to practice the art of discretion. Be as discreet as possible when you share your ideas with friends and even relations. Do not divulge anything unless you are absolutely sure that they can keep secrets. After you have obtained your patent and are absolutely sure that your ideas are well protected, only then can you share information with others.

Jotting down your idea on a notebook is a good idea, rather than storing everything in your head. In fact, documentation is considered to be the most important step you can take in order to secure future rights to your idea. Make sure you choose a type of notebook, where it becomes noticeable if and when a page is torn or removed from it. This notebook then turns into your ‘invention diary’ – where you write down whatever comes to your mind regarding the important issues related to your invention. The whole idea is to establish your ‘preliminary’ or ‘first’ claim on the ideation or invention. With the drawing scribbles and the notations, this document can prove that it is you who thought of the idea first.

How to patent an invention?

Invention patenting is not an easy job but with little guidance and a complete set of information, you can accomplish this goal in a matter of days.

Keep your records of invention:

Recording the every single step of the invention in a notebook is the key. Diagram and describe each and everything, including how you come up with that idea. Depending on your invention idea, you might also need to build as well as test the prototype.

Sign and date each entry in front of two reliable witnesses and their sign as well.

Get your Idea Qualified:

You cannot patent any or every idea you come up. Your invention must necessarily be unique and uncopied. It must be different as well as useful. Before applying it cannot be sold or known to others as InventHelp explains.

Assess its commercial potential

Before you take up invention help to get a patent on a product, research the market you are planning to enter and decide whether it is worth an invention, investment, and development from your side. Since the process is quite costly, you need to give your idea a second thought.

Do a complete research

Now that, you are confirmed of your own plan, it’s time to cross check its availability. Make sure that your invention is new and search for similar and earlier developments in the domain. Check it online, foreign and national patents, other publications like technical and scientific journals and get the related invention.

Though it is a little time-consuming process but can be mastered with little practice. There are patenting agencies, such as InventHelp, that could do it for you.

Start it all with the Internet and you can also visit some library of Trademark and patent for invention depository. Get the help of librarian if you can’t figure out. The world is full of people having same ideas and thinking and thus it is not hard to find other inventions like yours or similar properties. In case, you come across such scene, show, and document how your new invention helps and improves upon from the earlier list of development.


Free Christian Dating

Any person who has lost hope of ever finding their Mr. Right or Ms. Perfect can now start their rejuvenation again. This is due to the fact that with all doors closed upon them of meeting someone special who is compatible enough with their ideologies and beliefs.

Christians are bound to look for a new option. And what better way than the online way! Any Free Christian Dating Website can find you Christian men or women of your dreams if used properly and if luck would favor you. It is up to an average Christian who is bound by faith to look more carefully as he cannot marry outside their religion.

But the choices are not limited up to your local community. Now one can reach beyond borders and oceans to search for their prospective date. With Free Christian Dating Website you will get a chance to search like minded people, instant messaging, virtual gift exchange, take part in chat and discussion forums etc.

Since Christian Dating Service has went online, there has been a rise in the successful love stories formed over the internet. In fact, there has also been a steady rise in these types of websites with more and more of them making it possible for Christian Singles to find their love or soul mates. There are no more worries for you if you are a singleton believer of Christianity who cannot marry outside their religion. Now it is possible to search for someone interesting within your religion with heaps and heaps of choices.

Christian Tee Shirts are for More Than Just Vacation Bible School and Church Camps!

Do you have a Christian biker ministry? If so, no doubt you are looking for unique Christian apparel to share your faith. In that case, you’ll want to consider some really cool Christian biker t-shirts for a rugged way to support your working in spreading the Gospel message.

Christian bikers consider themselves to be real missionaries, spreading the Gospel of Christ wherever they go. And Christian bikers from every church can enjoy the unity and camaraderie that a Christian biker ministry provides.

Christian tees designed for bikers and biker clubs are a unique way to turn you and your members into walking, talking billboards for Christ. There are many cool styles of Christian biker t-shirts and other apparel available today on Christian clothing sites like the Kens Christian T-Shirts. These garments allow Christian bikers to boldly show their Faith with the clothes on their back!

Demonstrate the Person you are committed to following with some of the amazing Christian tee shirts that are available to you and your group at the click of your mouse.

Vegan Diets

Vegan diets are the most healthy on the planet, and usually the most nutritionally balanced. Vegans have long discovered the benefits of avoiding animal products in their food, as well as avoiding many of the effects that eating animal products can have on the body.

Many nutritionists and nutritional scientists are vegan simply because they are educated about their food choices and realize this is the only diet that can prevent and even reverse many lifestyle diseases. Vegan meals do not have to be salad, there is a wide, and varying array of fruits, vegetables and grains and best plant based meats that can lead to a filling and far tastier diet than any omnivore meal can provide.

Vegans have long been called hippy, kooks, animal lovers, and all sorts of derogatory terms used by those who do not understand the lifestyle. It is not different than any other lifestyle except there is conscious thought put in to the nutritional value of everything that passes the vegan’s lips. Many will use money as an excuse, but a savvy vegan can spend less than $30 a week on food that covers every nutritional daily need healthily, and tastily.

Vegan diets have been known to have so many benefits for the body, as well as the environment around. Though a vegan lifestyle will require forfeiting any form of animal made clothing, decoration, and harm as well as food, those who are simply nutritionally conscious can still eat a vegan diet and wear leather. Vegan vs vegetarian diets are different only to the level of animal produce that they avoid.

A vegetarian may still eat dairy and egg products, and even though they will see some of the benefits by cutting out meat making up for that by consuming too much dairy can be just as bad for your health as not being vegetarian at all. With any diet it is all about balance.

Vegan recipes can commonly be thought to involve nothing but salad. However, the human body cannot survive on lettuce alone so it is important to cover all the nutritional bases. Recipes involving tofu, tempeh, or seitan often have omnivores making retching noises but they are not a requirement in any recipe to be a functional vegan.

Grains such as quinoa actually provide the complete protein the body requires without the saturated fat and cholesterol that meat would. Almond and soy milks usually contain just as much if not more calcium than dairy milk with far less sugar. Substituting vegan onions in conventional recipes mean that many vegans do not feel that they are missing out on their favorite foods in any way. Vegan diet recipes are in no way boring.

How to Build Your Brand Identity

Think of some of the most recognizable brands in the world – Coca Cola, Google, Wal-Mart…

How did they get there?

It’s tough and it takes a ton of work, but eventually it all boils down to a few tactics.

What are some of those? Here’s a few:

Your ability to deliver on your promise – At its core, this is what branding is all about. The better you can deliver on your promise, and even exceed what you promise in general, the stronger the identity of your brand in your market’s mind.

Google, for example, promises to deliver more relevant search results than any other search engine. It does that consistently, which helps it remain the leading search engine today. “Under-promise and over-deliver” goes the cliché. Whatever your business’s promise is, make sure you can exceed it when it comes time to deliver the finished product.

Establish core values and stick to them – How many times have you heard business talk about their “excellent customer service” and then refuse to do the slightest thing once you actually call them? If you establish a core value of “superior customer service,” develop concrete mechanisms and business procedures to ensure your customer service really does exceed that of the competition.

Whatever your core values are, make sure you practice them daily. One way or another, they shine through to your customers, who take notice when you do what you say you will do.

Identify a clear audience and maintain consistent messaging – Make sure you know who you’re talking to. If you don’t have a customer persona in place, research the heck out of your market until you identify one. You should know everything there is to know about your customer – what they like and don’t like, what they read, what their income is, whether they have children, and where they hang out after work.

Then develop a message for them that solves a major problem. However you reach them – online, through social media, on television, or on the radio, make sure you repeat the same message consistently. Then, as they experience the problem over and over, they’ll remember you are the best solution for that problem.

Here’s to You Becoming the Next Google

It’s tough to become the leading brand in any niche, but simply by committing to becoming a brand and establishing a presence, you put yourself ahead of other small businesses not doing the same. If you don’t become the next Google, you will at least remain ahead of the others while they keep spinning their wheels going nowhere.