Discover what can be patented and what that means for you
Patent protection has been extended to cover many products. From the light bulb to the jet engine, patented products are everywhere. Pharmaceutical drugs, computer software, processes for purifying DNA and even ecommerce methods have all been granted patent protection.
But for all the products that are patentable, there are probably an equal number of unpatentable ones. Literary works, movies, songs and music are not eligible for patent protection. These types of products may be protected by a copyright. For more information on copyrights, you may see the Library of Congress.
You cannot gain patent protection for your logo or your product’s name. Instead, you may file for a trademark. To apply for a trademark, you need to visit the Patent and Trademark Office website and learn about trademarks. You can get professional help for your invention, there a lot of agencies out there.
To get back on track, patent protection may be granted to:
- objects with a utility
- designs
- plants
Most patented objects fit under the utility category. These are usually the most profitable. If your invention has any use whatsoever, you should file for a utility patent to gain the most protection. Design patents only cover the way an object looks and plant patents, as you can guess, are only granted for new breeds of plants.
Now that you know a little about what types of products may be eligible for patent protection (oh yes, this is just a small sample of what you need to know about patentability), let’s address exactly what patent protection offers you.
If you are granted patent protection on your product, you may exclude others from making or using it. That’s right, you will be in complete control of your invention’s productivity and its sales. Therefore, you make any profits generated from it. Patent protection provides you with a monopoly on your invention. For utility patents, that monopoly lasts 20 years (which may add up to quite a sum of money if your invention is popular).
But wait a minute, what happens after the 20 years term is over? Well, once your patent term expires, anyone may make and sell your invention, and they won’t have to share a dime of the profits with you. It may not seem fair since the invention was all your idea, but, all good things must come to an end. Patent protection doesn’t last forever. You can learn more from article.